Finding the right people for the job
One of the biggest challenges faced by any business is finding the right people to do the job.
Often, stark contrast shows you the difference in performance of a task. Have you asked for a job to be done by one person, and it seems to go around in circles and never eventuate. Then, due to lack of progress you hand the same job to someone else, and you get it back to your desk within the hour?
How do you manage this?
The task was the same with the same instructions in both cases. One person could not perform the work, and the other did it without a sweat.
As much as you should know your weaknesses and work with others to boost you up, you also need to know the weaknesses of those you work with to boost them up as well.
For over a decade, I had been utilising freelance workers (Elance and now Upwork) to assist me with various projects. There have been many ups and downs. Seeking to find people who I understand, and who understand me.
There have also been times when one project did not work out with a particular freelancer. However, I have persevered and tried them on another project, and it was all smooth sailing.
What was different?
I did not change how I communicated, but I did provide a different task. We both found our groove.
It takes time, and it takes energy, but in the long run, it is worth it.
Over the summer, I read Sarina Russo’s book – Meet Me at the Top. She talks about the importance of finding people that are the right fit for her business and that they must share a similar passion.
Much time and energy must be put into this process. Otherwise, you will be simply managing people in the long term rather than them managing themselves.
Perhaps, this is one of the cornerstones to the secret of her success?
How do you find the right people?
What has this to do with publishing a book?
Finding the right person to get you published is the same process as finding the right people to work with you. There are many different service providers, and you need to find the right one for you.
You will know when you have made the right choice. No longer do you keep thinking about whether or not the book will ever make it onto your desk. You know that it will because you have found the right person for you and your book.
Ask questions. Be diligent. Get it Done.