I don’t want to just jump, who will catch me?
Anytime you try something new, how do you feel?
Then once that first time is done, how do you feel?
Do you think ‘I can do this!’?
What is holding you back? Get going. Just jump.
Remember a time, not that long ago, when you were a child. You feared less – you simply jumped into any challenge. You were not concerned about the consequences and took the challenge by both hands. You may have felt the cold trickle of fear down your spine, but you took the challenge anyway.
What happened to that child?
Why did you start fearing failure? What can you do to overcome that fear? How can you fear less?
Perhaps the point here is that in childhood you fear less – it is not that you are without fear – you simply do not let fear stop you from trying and you are not concerned about failing. Failing it simply showing you how not to do things and you know that you need to keep trying until you succeed.
How differently do you look at problems if you seek to consider that each failure is bringing you closer to success?
As an author, think about all the content and notes that you have written to date. Could you re-purpose those words into your book? Your ability to succeed is a mindset. Do you choose to succeed?
You are your own safety net. So, what do you have to lose?
Go ahead and jump.
When I jumped you can see the results here on Amazon. What will happen when you jump?