I Have All These Ideas, Which One Should I Choose?
You have thousands of brilliant ideas, and you are not sure how to make them a reality.
For a start, choose only ONE brilliant idea to work on at a time. Otherwise, all your brilliant ideas will remain just that, ideas.
In other words, get one idea finished before you move on to the next one – with the caveat to know your cul-de-sac – Seth Godin wrote about this in his book Dip.
What will you do to choose your ONE idea?
Throw a dart at a board.
Draw one idea out of a hat.
The point is to choose it and move on.
All those other ideas, write them down and store them in a safe place for another time (or maybe never).
Once you have chosen your ONE brilliant idea maybe one of these tips may assist you to make your idea a reality.
Seth Godin also did a blog post about ensuring that we are great at shipping and not just great at coming up with a bunch of great ideas.
His words are sage as it is no use having hundreds of ideas without actually executing at least one.
Steve Jobs was also renowned for decreasing Apple’s product lines when he first came back into the fold after his years of absence – he has been known to say that what you say no to can be more important than what you say yes to.
If you spend too much time choosing your best idea can get you stuck in a rut when perhaps all you need to do is make a decision – regardless of whether or not it is ‘best’ decision that you make.
This process reinforces one of Stephen Covey’s seven habits, begin with the end in mind.
Complete one project and then work out what the next project is and you will be pleasantly surprised how much you can achieve when you start refining your focus to one thing at a time.
So, choose one project – make it your one of one – and get it completed.
Still not sure what you should do, then send me an email dyan@dyanburgess.com, and we can work out what your next step should be. In the interim, you may like to have a read of my complimentary book to assist you along the way.